Historians/Anthropologists – Alaska is one of the few places in North America that is filled with rich, untouched history. Unlike other locations that have grown and become more modern, Alaska tends to stay in the void. The cold climates and necessary travel to get to Alaska prevents many of the “big box” type retailers and businesses from moving in to the state.
As a result, the culture there has retained their natural hunting needs and love for their own history which is passed on from generation to generation. Anyone who is interested in history or the study of people will enjoy a cruise to Alaska as there is plenty of land time to learn and explore the people and their culture.
Nature Enthusiasts – Alaska is known for being the home of many endangered species. Black bears, brown bears and reindeer call Alaska their home. In addition to the hundreds of species that cannot be found anywhere else in the world, there is also exceptional beauty throughout the state. Nature enthusiasts will love the opportunity to get up close and personal with animals that have learned to co-exist with people on this peaceful piece of land. Additionally, it is easy to see why Alaska is known for its beauty as you explore the snow capped mountains and even experience a personal look at icebergs and glaciers.
People who Want it All in a Vacation – If you are interested in being able to lay in the sun by the pool during the day and snow shoe through the mountains in the afternoon, then a cruise to Alaska is right for you. On the ship you will have access to pools, hot tubs, dining, casinos and day spas. While most of these amenities are designed to keep guests occupied when the ship is in motion, they can be enjoyed anytime you wish. The weather in Alaska during cruise months is generally mild with temperatures reaching around 60 degrees. The cooler nights keep snow in the mountains which opens up a world of possibilities for people who want to enjoy snowy activities during the afternoons.
A cruise to Alaska will last between 7 and 14 days. Guests can choose from a three different rooms sizes which each feature different amenities. These cruises typically leave from either Seattle, Washington or Vancouver, British Columbia. If you do not live near these areas then you will need to schedule a flight before your cruise. Most cruise ship companies do not offer a combined service of booking the flight with the cruise, it is a separate expense all together.
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